
Developing Effective Surge Capacity…

February 10, 2014

Developing effective surge capacity for a 21st Century humanitarian sector…

On February 10th, a group made up of Start Network members and representatives from the wider humanitarian sector will come together to discuss surge capacity. This event will be hosted by Deloitte, who have provided advice to humanitarian agencies around surge capacity as part of their Humanitarian Innovation Program.

Surge capacity forms an important component of the Start Network’s vision for the humanitarian system. While the Start Network seeks to empower local civil society to respond to emergencies, it recognises that some large scale crises will continue to overwhelm local capacity. However, there is often little space for international NGOs to share ideas around how to approach surge in these situations.

This workshop aims to provide such a space, with presentations of relevant work, including an inter-agency Surge development project, and a People In Aid review of existing surge mechanisms.

A summary of the day’s discussions will be made available after the event.
