RS30224_P (39)

Start Fund activated for South Sudan crisis

April 2, 2014

Following its launch yesterday, the Start Fund has been activated for the South Sudan crisis.

The Start Team received an alert from Network member Christian Aid at 11:40am yesterday, requesting a rapid intervention to pre-position stocks before remote areas (such as Upper Nile State) are cut off by the early onset of the rainy season.

ACAPS, who are partnering with the Start Network for the programme, were tasked with producing a Briefing Note providing a ‘crisis overview’, highlighting key findings, naming vulnerable groups, and analysing main sectoral issues and response capacity. This briefing note can be downloaded here.

The breifing note, along with contextual information provided by Start Network members, informed the Allocation Committee meeting that took place this morning between 9:30 and 10:30am. The members dicsussed the benefits of a Start Fund intervention in the area, the geographical scope of a potential allocation, and the amount that should be alloacted.

The decision was made to allocate a total envelope of £425,000. This is for projects in South Sudan itself (not limited to Upper Nile State). As per the handbook, the maximum amount that can be requested by any one agency is £300,000. Qualifying agencies are invited to submit proposals before midday (12pm), tomorrow 3rd of April. Any proposals submitted after this time will not be considered.

The Project Selection committee will meet on Friday to decide which projects will be funded.
